H-Hemorroids is a natural treatment that works by significantly reducing the swelling of hemorrhoids with its vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory properties. They will gradually shrink, while at the same time the analgesic constituents will help to dissipate any pain or discomfort.
There are many drugstore and alternative internet products for treating hemorrhoids. Most of the products are not made to cure or eliminate hemorrhoids but to give you temporary relief of itching, pain, swelling or bleeding. Many of the drugstore medications have anesthetics. They can aggravate and irritate the hemorrhoids you’re trying to eliminate. If you are using one of these drugstore medications, consider using a more natural remedy.
H-Hemorrhoids Treatment P contains the following natural, pure essential oils: MQV (Melaleuca quinquenervia viridiflora), Cypress, Linalol, Mentha piperit and Hazelnut.
H-Hemorrhoids P is easy to use. Apply 2 drops 3 times per day to the condition using your finger or a Q-tip (or in the case of an internal hemorrhoid you can use a dropper). In addition, massage one drop under each foot 3 times per day to allow the formula to be absorbed directly into the immune system.
The 11ml size bottle is sufficient to treat several hemorrhoids from start to finish. When you treat your hemorrhoids the safe and natural way there is a guarantee that H-Hemorrhoids Treatment is 100% guaranteed to work.
There is a full money back 60 day promise, plus discreet and speedy shipping of your product, so you can treat your hemorrhoids in the privacy of your own home. For a pregnant or nursing mother, H-Hemorrhoids P is the safe and successful option.
Here are two of the numerous rave reviews of H-Hemorroid P:
I had surgery just over a year back and I have to tell you, this was the most painful experience I have ever had. I was shocked when the hemorrhoids came back 4 months after the surgery. Not only did they come back, I also had bad bleeding, something I never had before the surgery.
I'm not someone who orders on the internet but after reading the testimonials and noticing that you also had a money guarantee, I decided to give your products a test.
and then I started using the other oil. At first I was very disappointed, nothing happened. I called your office and spoke to Allan. I asked him why your product was taking this long to work. Allan was very helpful and told me to be patient. He said that every person is different and the time period depends on the person's immune system. He also asked me if I was following the instructions and to be honest, I was skipping a few things.
Exactly what Allan told me happened and I have to tell you guys how happy I am. The hemorrhoids starting shrinking especially in the morning and then suddenly, they disappeared.
Your customer service is excellent and your products even better. If anyone is reading this thinking about surgery, don't do it! Get healing oils and be patient, you will be happy you did.
Thanks guys, I'm a grateful and happy customer.
Mark. - Nashville, TN
All I have to say is Thank you so Much!!
I am only 20 years old, I have no kids and I WAS suffering from bleeding hemorrhoids. I used your product H-Bleeding Hemorrhoids™, and I am a new person.
I came across your website and ordered your product cause I was in intense pain and hurting so bad. I didn't want to go to the bathroom at all cause it was a pain I can't describe. I couldn't even walk without thinking about them.
The day I received your product, that morning I used the bathroom and when I was through I was on the floor crying hoping and praying for this product to arrive and wondering what I was going to do if it doesn't work. I left work early that day because I couldn't handle sitting anymore. I got home to find the package. I ripped into the package and applied the drop and the drops in the soles of my feet. I'm not kidding within 30 minutes I could stand up and walk around no problems at all.
I couldn't believe this, I seriously want to let everyone know how wonderful this product is and how it helps. If you are at your wits in, try this product before thinking about surgrey or spending hundred on Preperation-H or other products.
Once again thank you so much for your Natural Hemorrhoids Products, I don't know what I would have done without them. Thanks again. If anyone would like to email me and ask me question I gladly will.
Misti - OH
Q. You have two products, I am not sure which one to use?
A. Heal Bleeding Hemorrhoids is formulated specifically for bleeding caused by a hemorrhoid. If you have hemorrhoids as well as bleeding, you will need both our Heal Hemorrhoids and Heal Bleeding Hemorrhoids formulas. If you do not have any bleeding, you will only need the Heal Hemorrhoids formula.
Q. I have both conditions, which product should I use first?
A. Bleeding is a secondary condition usually caused from the hemorrhoids rupturing. This condition must be healed first. Apply Heal Bleeding Hemorrhoids to eliminate the bleeding. When the bleeding has stopped, continue with the formula for one or two days and then switch to the Heal Hemorrhoids product to eliminate the actual hemorrhoids.
Q. How soon will I see results?
A. The healing process varies from person to person. The majority who use our products experience immediate relief. Eliminating hemorrhoids can take as little as 2 weeks to 6 weeks. At first you may not notice any change in the condition but, be patient! Usually the first signs of healing will be when the hemorrhoids shrink in size in the early morning and come up again later in the day. This is an advanced stage in the healing process. The condition WILL be eliminated with a little patience and regular applications.
It is important to apply three times a day without missing applications. If you miss one day, the healing process will be pushed back by 2 to 4 days.
Q. How do I apply the product?
A. Place a few drops on a Q-Tip or use your fingers to apply topically.
The easiest way to apply would be as follows: allow one drop to fall onto your finger, gently apply and repeat with another drop. Apply one drop under each foot and massage for 30 seconds. Repeat this process three times a day.
Q. You state that this is a topical application but I have internal hemorrhoids!
A. This is still a topical application. Place a few drops on a Q-Tip or use your finger to insert. If the hemorrhoids are too far internally to reach, we suggest using a dropper.
Q. Is it necessary to massage a few drops of formula into my feet?
A. Your hemorrhoids are not simply an external condition. By massaging a few drops of formula into the soles of your feet (arch), the formula will penetrate into the cell membranes. Essential oils are fat soluble which means that the body absorbs trace elements of the formulas directly into the blood stream and immune system bypassing the kidneys and digestive system. This is part of the healing process.
Q. How many bottles of formula will I need?
A. The bleeding from hemorrhoids usually heals within two weeks, one bottle of Heal Bleeding Hemorrhoids is normally sufficient. If you are treating a fissure, the healing may take longer and require more than one bottle, or you can save 10% with our large 33 ml bottle.
To eliminate the actual hemorrhoids may take up to 6 weeks (the longest time frame), depending on your immune system. One bottle of 11 ml Heal Hemorrhoids will last +- 3 to 4 weeks. If shrinkage does not occur after 3 weeks, you will require a second bottle, or save 10% with our large 33 ml bottle.
Hemorrhoids may recur, many of our customers keep a bottle handy because the second time you have to treat the condition, the hemorrhoids usually disappear within 10 days.
Q. Do I need to change my diet?
A. Increase your raw fruit and vegetables intake during the program. It is also advisable to eliminate dairy, wheat and sugar, this will aid your body in healing the condition. Drink lots of water and consume natural yogurt. (yogurt is not classified as dairy, the molecular structure has changed)
Q. What about anal fissures?
A. We have a specially formulated product for anal fissures called Heal Fissures. If you have hemorrhoids as well as fissures, use Heal Fissures first, followed by Heal Hemorrhoids once the fissures have cleared.
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