It has a quick-glance chart of familiar ailments, along with a listing of commonly used drugs and herbal alternatives. (For instance, according to the chart, bladder infections are routinely treated with antibiotics, but numerous herbal remedies exist, including bearberry, cranberry, goldenseal, goldenrod, and Oregon grape root.)
The meat of the book, however, is devoted to an alphabetized listing of ailments as well as extensive discussions of herbal remedies, dosages, and ongoing treatments. For example, under "sinus infection," readers will find a list of symptoms, a sympathetic write-up about the causes and different kinds of infections, and a list of numerous herbs and treatments, from echinacea to the Chinese herb astragalus.
Entries address minor ailments such as a hangover to serious diseases like diabetes and Parkinson's disease.
The book closes with a thorough index and a listing of manufacturers that sell herbs. Without a doubt, this is the book for treating common ailments with herbs. Anyone interested in exploring alternatives to prescription drugs will find safe and sound advice within these informative pages. --Gail Hudson --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Purchase the Herbal Drugstore
This is one of the best home herbal reference books!, 3/20/01
By Joanna D. (Middletown, DE USA)
The Herbal Drugstore: The Best Natural Alternatives to Over-the-Counter and Prescription Medicines! (Hardcover)
I really LOVE this book, and I have a lot of books on herbal medicine. What I like about the herbal drugstore is how it gives both the typical prescription drugs for common ailments, and the herbal alternatives. That alone sets this book apart from most other herbal references. This would be a terrific first book on the subject for anyone's home library and I think it adds a lot to my shelf on herbs.
There are good drawings of the herbs, sections on vitamins, exercises, nutrition, combining herbs with ... Complete review here.
Great Comparative Reference by M.D., 1/ 4/01
By "neebanne" (Metairie, Louisiana USA)
The Herbal Drugstore: The Best Natural Alternatives to Over-the-Counter and Prescription Medicines! (Hardcover) This book finally discusses the use of herbs and roots from an authoritative point of view. It compares common herbs to prescription medications, with an analysis of the ailment and each type of remedy.
The authors and editorial staff have formal training from conventional medical schools and were able to do an actual comparative analysis... Complete Review Here
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