About Natural Health Solutions Review

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

QLink Electromagnetic Radiation Protection

This video does a blood cell comparison with before and after microscopic views showing the blood cells of participants working on a computer before and after wearing a pendant for 3-4 days. The demonstration is very interesting.

When working in front of the computer the before blood cell samples show a chaotic display of cell activity. After wearing the QLink pendant the cells shows no chaos--just normal shaped cells.

This video shows a Trifield Gauss Meter taking readings of electromagnetic radiation (EMF) from copiers, computers, cell phones etc. Examples of illnesses caused by over-exposure to EMF are discussed and then the QLink pendant is introduced as an effective method of protection from EMF radiation.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Protect Yourself From Electromagnetic Radiation Dangers Related to Cell Phones

Electromagnetic radiation dangers related to cell phones should be of great concern to every user. Many people spend 30 minutes a day talking on their mobile, which equals 11,000 minutes a year of electromagnetic mobilephone radiation applied to the side of the head and this now occurs year after year.

You may be searching the internet for answers to this question: "Is cell phone radiation dangerous to my health?"

Is it logical to believe that all this radiation has no effect on the brain? Common sense alone should tell you that this amount of radiation, applied at such a close range has got to have some effect on those brain cells.

For the still skeptical there is no need to ask you to base your thinking on common sense alone. Scientific evidence is growing day by day and so are the related health concerns. New research studies are published almost every month on electromagnetic radiation dangers related to mobile phones.

Doctors, scientists and health researchers are trying to communicate this to everyone.

According to recently published studies cell phone radiation is being indicated to be responsible to some degree for health problems such as:
  • leukemia
  • brain cancer
  • skin damage
  • brain damage
  • increased blood pressure
  • DNA damage
  • sperm abnormalities
  • reduced fertility
  • salivary gland cancer
  • psychological problems
  • sleep interference
  • and many other health effects
Theses are obviously not a minor case of the sniffles, they are servious life-threatening diseases.

Electromagnetic radiation dangers related to wireless phones is being seen more and more as being the culprit by knowledgeable researchers, scientists and doctors who see patients with these problems more and more frequently.

What kind of precautions can be taken to combat electromagnetic radiation dangers from mobile phones?

Responsible scientists, academics, doctors and researchers everywhere are urging people not to wait for absolute proof of wireless phone radiation health dangers. For various reasons, including heavyweight commercial interests, this proof may take a long time to come to the surface.

What needs to be done is not too difficult or complicated. It's really just a matter of developing new habits relating to cell phone usage.

How to reduce electromagnetic radiation dangers related to cell phones:
  • Keep cell phone conversations short.
  • When you have a choice, use a regular corded landline phone. Cordless phones present more radiation exposureWhen phoning others from a landline to their cell phone, keep your conversation short
  • Texting is preferred to making a wireless call.
  • If you can contact someone on a landline, avoid calling them on their mobile.Earbuds, bluetooth headsets and other electronic headsets are not ideal, but are better than placing the phone directly next to your head.
  • If no headset is available, use the speaker-phone feature so you can hold the phone several inches away from your ear. This can reduce the radiation strength at your ear by 20 to 60 times!
  • If you can't avoid having a long conversation with a mobile phone next to your ear, switch ears every two or three minutes.
Protection from mobile phone radiation

For the best radiation protection, get an air tube headset. It has only acoustic connections to the earpiece, not electronic ones.

Protection From Electromagnetic Radiation Dangers With Sympathetic Resonance Technology

Q & A with Clarus Founder Robert O. Williams
Clarus Founder Robert O. Williams answers common questions including an explanation of sympathetic resonance technology, biofields, and QLink.

The concept of biofields has been around for over thousands of years. In 1994 the National Institutes of Health (NIH) officially accredited the existence of  "biofields".

Biofields surround every human body and regulate the homeostasis of the body and well-being of the cells.

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emmitted from computers, cell phones, electricity, appliances, cordless phones, cell towers, high voltage power lines, etc.disrupts the body's naturally calm biofield, disorganizes it and creates stress. This stress then leads to diseases and overall unhealthy body.

QLink's development of the Sympathetic Resonance Technology basically powers up the biofield, each and every cell and enables it to naturally cope with stress. It destresses us, provides us with more energy and allows for easier concentration.

The QLink SRT 3 pendant is worn around the neck positioned above the sternum on the outside of inside of your clothing.

Skeptics say that they may feel no difference but over 25 studies studies have shown the effectiveness of the SRT 3, even if it is not noticeably felt. Wearing the SRT 3 everyday just increases its benefits to your health

Protection From Electromagnetic Radiation Dangers With QLink Parts 1 & 2

How Q-Link Works
Clarus Institute Founder Robert O. Williams discusses how Q-Link interacts with your physiology to help you increase focus, lower stress, and increase performance.

Part 2
Enjoy modern technology and protect your biofield and immune system from electromagnetic radiation dangers. Feel better and create your own natural environment with QLink products.

Energy medicine practitioners believe that illness is the result of biofield disturbances. Traditional Chinese medicine, for example, calls for restoring the flow of qi to reinstate good health. Asian practitioners have utilized this theory for more than 2,000 years.

The theory is that a subtle energy form, or life force, infuses people. This energy has varying names depending on the culture involved. It is called qi in traditional Chinese medicine and ki by the Japanese, who utilize the Kampo system. In Ayurvedic medicine it's known as doshas. Other names include homeopathic resonance, mana, prana, etheric energy, fohat, orgone and odic force, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Resource Links

QLink Products

Monday, March 7, 2011

Electromagnetic Radiation Dangers and Health

Personal Magnetic Field Exposure
Electromagnetic pollution is all around us. The subject of electromagnetic radiation dangers and health has reached a critical level because serious damage is occurring.

To begin generally, the earth's natural current is direct current (DC) from its magnetic field. Man-made alternating current (AC) is a lower electromagnetic frequency used to generate electricity and all the associated electrical products, including all electronic communication systems and electrical appliances.

Over billions of years man has gradually evolved without an environment of alternating current or an AC magnetic field, up until the modern age of the past 100 years or so. Add to this the broadcasting of radio signals and the phenomenon of visible light and we have electromagnetic fields (EMF).

Increase in EMFs Since 1945
Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is often called an electromagnetic field (EMF) when it falls within the lower frequencies. Both EMR and EMF are commonly used to mean the same thing.

Paul Brodeur, the author of "Currents of Death", a book about EMF and a series of famous articles on EMF for the New Yorker Magazine has raised concerns about the biological effects of constant human exposure to electromagnetic radiation dangers and the highly stressful environment it has created.

In homes, the immediate sources of EMF include electric blankets, electric water bed heaters, hairdryers, electric shavers, television sets, stereo systems, air conditioners, fluorescent lights, electric can openers, telephone answering machines, cell and portable phones, refrigerators, blenders, portable heaters, clothes washers and dryers, coffee makers, vacuum cleaners, toasters, and microwave ovens.

Magnetic fields in your own home
Electromagnetic fields are not only produced by electricity moving through wires or machines, but all television and satellite transmissions, as well as radio and microwave communication systems, including cell phones transmit it. Automobiles, trucks, airplanes, electrical and magnetic trains and subway systems are also significant sources of EMF.

Electromagnetic pollution is all around us all the time and concerns about electromagnetic radiation dangers and health needs to be brought more to the public's awareness. The complete effect of multiple electromagnetic fields on human physiology is not totally comprehended. It may not be known for a long time into the future, but it is however well-known that low-frequency magnetic fields can trigger major biochemical responses effecting the complex electrochemical processes necessary for the human cells to function.

There is a considerable amount of persuasive evidence that man-made AC fields interact with or stress human cells to the point of having adverse reactions. Please visit bioinitiative to download a 610 page report concerning electromagnetic fields and health. (There is a small fee connected with this download.)

There are very detailed and time-consuming changes which can be made to your surrounding environment. There are also some more simple methods to make many beneficial changes to gain protection from electromagnetic radiation dangers and health.