About Natural Health Solutions Review

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Candida Infection Symptoms And How to Deal With Them

Candida / yeast is present as part of our normal intestinal microflora and are generally kept in check by beneficial bacteria. However, circumstances, such as taking oral antibiotics, can eliminate most of this beneficial bacteria causing a candida overgrowth that invades intestinal tissue. Candida infection symptoms then result.

These are the different Candida infection symptoms that can occur:
  • Candida is called thrush when it grows in the mouth. Young babies often suffer from thrush which appears as creamy-white or bluish-white patches on the tongue (which is also inflamed and can be very red) and on the lining of the mouth or in the throat.
  • Young infants can also suffer from a diaper rash caused by candida that is red, inflamed and sometimes scaly
  • An infection in the vagina known as vaginitis causes a white or yellow discharge, while inflammation of the walls of the vagina and the vulva causes burning and itching. Over a million women in the US develop vaginal yeast infections annually. This is an uncomfortable but not life-threatening condition. 
  • A yeast infection in the fingernails or toenails or next to the nails appears as a red, painful swelling around the nail. Sometimes pus appears.
  • Infection can appear in the skin folds of those who are overweight or obese.
  • They can also occur in the esophagus and the digestive tract.
  • A yeast infection of the penis is often caused by sexual intercourse with an infected partner. This condition is more common among uncircumcised men. Also men are known to be carriers of candida. An infection of the penis often results in balanitis which is the inflammation of the head of the penis.
  • A Candida yeast infection in the bloodstream can affect the kidneys, heart, lungs, eyes or other organs causing high fever, chills, anemia and sometimes a rash or shock.

VERY IMPORTANT: More on Candida Infection Symptoms

H-Candida™ is formulated specifically for Candida infection symptoms and will treat the condition naturally and gently. It is a natural treatment with important anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that work to clear any Candida or fungal conditions in various parts of the body including the genitalia and the skin folds. H-Candida™ works alongside some sensible diet changes including drinking plenty of water. 

When used as directed,H-Candida™ will clear mild to stubborn cases of fungal infections  safely and gently.  It will ensure you are fungal-free once more.

Purchase H-Candida Treatment TODAY!

Kay - Lubbock, TX --I tried H-Candida™ after suffering for 2 months with Thrush and 3 different antibiotics that only resulted in it coming back. I used it for 3 days about 3 1/2 weeks ago and it hasn't come back since. I have just ordered H-Acne™ and I can't wait to see how fast it works! I am so exited to find someone that has invented something that actually works for so little money! Good Job!!!          Kay - Lubbock, TX 
Deborah - Philadelphia, PA--Thank you soooo much for the oils. My doctor misdiagnoised me over a year ago and I had this yeast practically take over my body. Even to the aching bones and big boils all over. Since I have used your yeast infection treatment I saw improvement already. Being diabetic I will stay armed with this to continue to rid my body of this yeast and prevent it from coming back. I will truly be a faithful customer for this and other products you have. Thank you so much, I suffer no more!     Deborah - Philadelphia, PA  
Terry - Houston, TX --I was recently diagnosed with a yeast infection by my doctor. It was so embarassing and so very uncomfortable. I tried so many topical creams for yeast infections and spent hundreds of dollars to get rid of this problem, but nothing worked. I was so frustrated. While surfing for a cure on the net I found your candida treatment. I decided to try your product. I am elated to report that after only a few days of treatment my situation has made a 100% improvement! I am finally back to normal. I can't thank you people enough.          Terry - Houston, TX 
Helen - London, England --I am thrilled with the results of your product and I would be amiss if I did not write to thank you. For many years I have had recurring outbreaks of yeast infection. My first husband (I have been married twice) was never sympathetic to my plight and our marriage ended in divorce. Fortunately, my present husband loves me and has worked with me in conquering this problem. Your product has simply changed my life. After numerous ointments both over the counter and on prescription, I was sent to your site by a friend who recommended your products. I am so glad she did. Good luck and thank you for helping me and I am sure, many women in my situation.   Helen - London, England

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