About Natural Health Solutions Review

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

QLink Electromagnetic Radiation Protection

This video does a blood cell comparison with before and after microscopic views showing the blood cells of participants working on a computer before and after wearing a pendant for 3-4 days. The demonstration is very interesting.

When working in front of the computer the before blood cell samples show a chaotic display of cell activity. After wearing the QLink pendant the cells shows no chaos--just normal shaped cells.

This video shows a Trifield Gauss Meter taking readings of electromagnetic radiation (EMF) from copiers, computers, cell phones etc. Examples of illnesses caused by over-exposure to EMF are discussed and then the QLink pendant is introduced as an effective method of protection from EMF radiation.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Protect Yourself From Electromagnetic Radiation Dangers Related to Cell Phones

Electromagnetic radiation dangers related to cell phones should be of great concern to every user. Many people spend 30 minutes a day talking on their mobile, which equals 11,000 minutes a year of electromagnetic mobilephone radiation applied to the side of the head and this now occurs year after year.

You may be searching the internet for answers to this question: "Is cell phone radiation dangerous to my health?"

Is it logical to believe that all this radiation has no effect on the brain? Common sense alone should tell you that this amount of radiation, applied at such a close range has got to have some effect on those brain cells.

For the still skeptical there is no need to ask you to base your thinking on common sense alone. Scientific evidence is growing day by day and so are the related health concerns. New research studies are published almost every month on electromagnetic radiation dangers related to mobile phones.

Doctors, scientists and health researchers are trying to communicate this to everyone.

According to recently published studies cell phone radiation is being indicated to be responsible to some degree for health problems such as:
  • leukemia
  • brain cancer
  • skin damage
  • brain damage
  • increased blood pressure
  • DNA damage
  • sperm abnormalities
  • reduced fertility
  • salivary gland cancer
  • psychological problems
  • sleep interference
  • and many other health effects
Theses are obviously not a minor case of the sniffles, they are servious life-threatening diseases.

Electromagnetic radiation dangers related to wireless phones is being seen more and more as being the culprit by knowledgeable researchers, scientists and doctors who see patients with these problems more and more frequently.

What kind of precautions can be taken to combat electromagnetic radiation dangers from mobile phones?

Responsible scientists, academics, doctors and researchers everywhere are urging people not to wait for absolute proof of wireless phone radiation health dangers. For various reasons, including heavyweight commercial interests, this proof may take a long time to come to the surface.

What needs to be done is not too difficult or complicated. It's really just a matter of developing new habits relating to cell phone usage.

How to reduce electromagnetic radiation dangers related to cell phones:
  • Keep cell phone conversations short.
  • When you have a choice, use a regular corded landline phone. Cordless phones present more radiation exposureWhen phoning others from a landline to their cell phone, keep your conversation short
  • Texting is preferred to making a wireless call.
  • If you can contact someone on a landline, avoid calling them on their mobile.Earbuds, bluetooth headsets and other electronic headsets are not ideal, but are better than placing the phone directly next to your head.
  • If no headset is available, use the speaker-phone feature so you can hold the phone several inches away from your ear. This can reduce the radiation strength at your ear by 20 to 60 times!
  • If you can't avoid having a long conversation with a mobile phone next to your ear, switch ears every two or three minutes.
Protection from mobile phone radiation

For the best radiation protection, get an air tube headset. It has only acoustic connections to the earpiece, not electronic ones.

Protection From Electromagnetic Radiation Dangers With Sympathetic Resonance Technology

Q & A with Clarus Founder Robert O. Williams
Clarus Founder Robert O. Williams answers common questions including an explanation of sympathetic resonance technology, biofields, and QLink.

The concept of biofields has been around for over thousands of years. In 1994 the National Institutes of Health (NIH) officially accredited the existence of  "biofields".

Biofields surround every human body and regulate the homeostasis of the body and well-being of the cells.

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emmitted from computers, cell phones, electricity, appliances, cordless phones, cell towers, high voltage power lines, etc.disrupts the body's naturally calm biofield, disorganizes it and creates stress. This stress then leads to diseases and overall unhealthy body.

QLink's development of the Sympathetic Resonance Technology basically powers up the biofield, each and every cell and enables it to naturally cope with stress. It destresses us, provides us with more energy and allows for easier concentration.

The QLink SRT 3 pendant is worn around the neck positioned above the sternum on the outside of inside of your clothing.

Skeptics say that they may feel no difference but over 25 studies studies have shown the effectiveness of the SRT 3, even if it is not noticeably felt. Wearing the SRT 3 everyday just increases its benefits to your health

Protection From Electromagnetic Radiation Dangers With QLink Parts 1 & 2

How Q-Link Works
Clarus Institute Founder Robert O. Williams discusses how Q-Link interacts with your physiology to help you increase focus, lower stress, and increase performance.

Part 2
Enjoy modern technology and protect your biofield and immune system from electromagnetic radiation dangers. Feel better and create your own natural environment with QLink products.

Energy medicine practitioners believe that illness is the result of biofield disturbances. Traditional Chinese medicine, for example, calls for restoring the flow of qi to reinstate good health. Asian practitioners have utilized this theory for more than 2,000 years.

The theory is that a subtle energy form, or life force, infuses people. This energy has varying names depending on the culture involved. It is called qi in traditional Chinese medicine and ki by the Japanese, who utilize the Kampo system. In Ayurvedic medicine it's known as doshas. Other names include homeopathic resonance, mana, prana, etheric energy, fohat, orgone and odic force, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Resource Links

QLink Products

Monday, March 7, 2011

Electromagnetic Radiation Dangers and Health

Personal Magnetic Field Exposure
Electromagnetic pollution is all around us. The subject of electromagnetic radiation dangers and health has reached a critical level because serious damage is occurring.

To begin generally, the earth's natural current is direct current (DC) from its magnetic field. Man-made alternating current (AC) is a lower electromagnetic frequency used to generate electricity and all the associated electrical products, including all electronic communication systems and electrical appliances.

Over billions of years man has gradually evolved without an environment of alternating current or an AC magnetic field, up until the modern age of the past 100 years or so. Add to this the broadcasting of radio signals and the phenomenon of visible light and we have electromagnetic fields (EMF).

Increase in EMFs Since 1945
Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is often called an electromagnetic field (EMF) when it falls within the lower frequencies. Both EMR and EMF are commonly used to mean the same thing.

Paul Brodeur, the author of "Currents of Death", a book about EMF and a series of famous articles on EMF for the New Yorker Magazine has raised concerns about the biological effects of constant human exposure to electromagnetic radiation dangers and the highly stressful environment it has created.

In homes, the immediate sources of EMF include electric blankets, electric water bed heaters, hairdryers, electric shavers, television sets, stereo systems, air conditioners, fluorescent lights, electric can openers, telephone answering machines, cell and portable phones, refrigerators, blenders, portable heaters, clothes washers and dryers, coffee makers, vacuum cleaners, toasters, and microwave ovens.

Magnetic fields in your own home
Electromagnetic fields are not only produced by electricity moving through wires or machines, but all television and satellite transmissions, as well as radio and microwave communication systems, including cell phones transmit it. Automobiles, trucks, airplanes, electrical and magnetic trains and subway systems are also significant sources of EMF.

Electromagnetic pollution is all around us all the time and concerns about electromagnetic radiation dangers and health needs to be brought more to the public's awareness. The complete effect of multiple electromagnetic fields on human physiology is not totally comprehended. It may not be known for a long time into the future, but it is however well-known that low-frequency magnetic fields can trigger major biochemical responses effecting the complex electrochemical processes necessary for the human cells to function.

There is a considerable amount of persuasive evidence that man-made AC fields interact with or stress human cells to the point of having adverse reactions. Please visit bioinitiative to download a 610 page report concerning electromagnetic fields and health. (There is a small fee connected with this download.)

There are very detailed and time-consuming changes which can be made to your surrounding environment. There are also some more simple methods to make many beneficial changes to gain protection from electromagnetic radiation dangers and health.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

QLInk Products, Electomagnetic Fields and Health

QLink is the premier product for strengthening you against direct and ambient sources of EMF, including EMF from computers and cell phones.

Today's world requires strengthened mental, emotional and physical resilience. Both independent tests and QLink users report that this life-enhancing product provides this resilience.

Doctors who tested the QLink Pendant with Sympathetic Resonance Technology(TM) found that it very quickly amplifies healthy energy states, and decreases energy drains caused by a wide variety of stressors. It is the World class athletes report that the QLink Pendant improves their mental focus and endurance, giving them a significant competitive edge. Others are enthusiastic about their new found emotional balance and stamina.

As the complexity and pressures of our fast-paced, electronic world increase, the QLink Pendant is the product of choice for those people who value optimal performance and well-being. Experience the difference the QLink Pendant makes. Simply wear it every day.

The QLink Pendant does three important things
1. It strengthens your resilience and resistance to the effects of stress.
2. It increases your energy and enhances your mental performance, especially under pressure.
3. It strengthens your capacity to function in EMF saturated environments.

 "The human body has 100 trillion cells, each performing millions of tasks each second. For the body to be healthy and fit, these cells have to function as a resonant, harmonious whole. The magnificence of this complex orchestration is staggering, and it is synchronized by the body's intelligence, energy and matter fields. The QLink appears to act as an interface between these fields, effectively as the conductor of the orchestra. The data is sufficient and strong enough for me to wear the QLink, and I'm looking forward with excitement when future research will validate what this initial data is suggesting. And I must say I feel quite invigorated wearing it." - - Deepak Chopra, M.D. Author of 'Quantum Healing', 'Ageless Body Timeless Mind', 'How to Know God', 'Grow Younger Live Longer', and founder of the Chopra Center.

"As a speaker, I'm often onstage for 12 hours or more a day. Three-and-a-half years ago, Dr. Herb Ross found that the electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by my wireless headset were creating a physical weakness in my body. When I began utilizing the QLink, I noticed an immediate recovery in my muscle strength and a counteracting of the negative effects from the headset's low frequency waves. I have certainly benefited from the QLink." - - Anthony Robbins, author of 'Awaken the Giant Within' and other books. Regarded as America's top personal coach and trainer for personal development.   

"The QLink works, but that is not nearly as important as why it works - just like an apple falling is not nearly as important as why it falls. The operating principles and theories behind the QLink are so innovative that they have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the human being - and the Universe. I have been impressed by the QLink because it has helped me balance my physical, emotional, and cognitive energies. I feel a greater clarity and well being in my mind, and my doctor has detected the same clarity and well being in my blood. But more importantly, I'm impressed because the QLink has opened the most fascinating exploration on the nature of reality I've ever undertaken. I sincerely hope that more people find the QLink a key to health and development." - - Alfredo Kofman, PhD, Former Professor and Teacher of the Year at MIT Sloan School of Management, Author of 'The Fifth Discipline Handbook; and many other books on Management Science, Organizational Behavior and Economics. Top consultant to Chrysler, Shell Oil, General Motors, EDS, Intel, Phillips and other corporations.
"It's about performance. I like to write first thing in the morning; a good long stretch, usually six hours. Sitting in front of the computer was seriously draining--I lost the will to live by noon. My workouts were agonizing. I had nothing left at the end of the day. The QLink is remarkable. I started wearing the pendant three years ago. I can now write for six hours, workout with intensity and focus, and still have enough energy left to enjoy whatever the evening may bring. I have never been more productive." - - Jean-Jacques de Mesterton, Author of 'The Succession'   

"The QLink is a technology that amplifies and clarifies the body's energies. By reducing the noise in any energy field, this technology strengthens and purifies the body's own energies. This technology has been scientifically demonstrated to enhance the body's ability to protect itself from harmful environmental radiation, and thus it helps to remove harmful influences on the organism's health and well being. This technology therefore removes some of the blocks to inner transformation to higher and healthier states of being." -- Ken Wilber, President, The Integral Institute, Boulder, CO, Author of 'A Brief History of Everything' and 16 other books on consciousness and Integral theory and practice.

 "When you study what rich people know, you soon discover they all know one thing...all success stems from having a healthy outlook and healthy mind. EMF is a modern day phenomenon that zaps your energy without you realizing it. The QLink Pendant is a solution I found to protect myself from everyday EMF. Wearing this pendant during the day I felt an increase of energy and mental clarity that I was able to maintain continuously throughout the day." -- Brian Sher, Author of top selling business book in Australia, 'What Rich People Know & Desperately Want To Keep A Secret'  

"We've all savored rare moments of peak performance, of being in the Zone. I experience them every day with my QLink!" -- Larry Miller, Author of 'Holographic Golf' and 'Golfing in The Zone'


"In my practice and in my book Body, Mind, and Sport, I teach the importance of maintaining a calm center within the activity of one's life. In fact, the calmer one is, the more powerful one can be. Like the eye of a hurricane, the bigger the eye, the calmer the center and the more powerful the hurricane".

"I use a variety of methods to induce both athletes and non-athletes into this experience of inner calm. Most athletes, as do most activities in the West, create a state of fight or flight emergency, which wears the body down. The QLink directly supports this calm center within one's self. I strongly recommend the QLink to serious athletes and to everyone else who wants more graceful and less stressful performance." -- John Douillard, D.C. Ayurvedic physician, Author of 'Body, Mind and Sport'

Chapter 7, pg 176 - The QLink ClearWave clock is recommended to improve sleep. "...The night after she installed the Clarus clock, Janice began to sleep better. In three months, all her symptoms were gone, including the insomnia and restless sleep."

Chapter 7, pg 188 - The Clarus ClearWave and the QLink Pendant are recommended in the "Protection From EMFs" section.-- Herbert Ross, D.C, and Kerri Brenner, L.Ac., with Burton Goldberg, Authors of 'Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide on Sleep Disorders'

"I have verified that the QLink Pendant protects me from electromagnetic radiation and enhances my own energy levels."  -- Gun Agell, Author of 'Strengthen your Immune System'

As he appears wearing the QLink Pendant on The Recovery Network, Gary recommends the QLink Pendant as an additional resource for healing. -- Gary Null, Nutritional TV Show Host and Author of 'The Food - Mood - Body Connection' and many other books on the subject of Natural Healing and Self Empowerment


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Natural Remedies for Insomnia

Jenelle Jordyn's "Natural Sleep Made Simple" shows that a good night's sleep does not need to be drug induced and there are natural remedies for insomnia

In fact, Jordyn presents several ways to achieve sound sleep by harmonizing one's self with an environment that's conducive to sleep. She points out that bedroom features such as lighting, temperature and susceptibility to noise all contribute to a person's ability to fall asleep and stay that way throughout the night. Many examples are given for making your bedroom as comfortable as possible.

"Natural Sleep Made Simple" also covers which types of foods and pre-sleeping activities may cause insomnia problems or interfere with sound sleep. Anyone who has trouble sleeping should be mindful of these sleep-disturbing foods and keep intake levels low in the hours before bedtime. Many of them act to stimulate the mind, increase heart rate and may keep the body from feeling tired when it needs rest.

Jordyn also elaborates on several sleep-friendly food choices that may assist with getting some much needed rest.

The book also goes into how our daily physical activities play a role in the soundness of the sleep we get each night. But, it's important that exercise be performed correctly and at the right times to help with achieving natural sleep. When done incorrectly it could actually make matters worse. The good thing here is that you are not forced to go to the gym or follow any particular program. Several options are discussed that can be done during your free time.

Of particular interest in the book is the section about warm bathing. Not only does Jordyn point out how relaxing a warm bath can be, she also includes a variety of choices when it comes to herbs and aromatherapy oils that can be used.

Also included is a bonus recipe for a soothing home-made bath powder designed to promote relaxation in preparation for sleep. Further, because the emotional well-being of a person is a factor in restful sleep, several techniques are offered about easing one's worries through meditation, breathing exercises and other forms of relaxation.

"Natural Sleep Made Simple" also provides natural remedies for insomnia concerning vitamins, supplements and herbal remedies to relieve sleeping problems. Here, Jordyn explains the importance of each kind of vitamin, their effects on the body and the typical dosage. There is ample information about various herbs, how they can be used and where to find them.

Finally, the inability to sleep soundly may lead to other complications (or be caused by other conditions) and should be addressed immediately. Jordyn provides insight as to the importance of getting the appropriate medical attention when necessary to correct or prevent additional problems.

Jenelle Jordyn's "Natural Sleep Made Simple" is recommended for anyone who has trouble sleeping and wants to take control of the situation without resorting to drugs or sleep medications. With all the natural remedies for insomnia provided in this guide, there are plenty of options to choose from. In addition, nearly all of the methods have the added benefit of improving overall health while solving sleep issues at the same time. For more details about getting a good night's sleep naturally, check out Jenelle's guide.

Is There a Cure For Diabetes?

“The People” have had enough apparently! Is there a cure for diabetes? Yes!

The “World of Medicine” is scamming people – and even worse: with the help of “law-makers!”

It seems that “money” (as usual) has blinded doctors and medical practitioners to the degree that they are now willingly *suppressing* the truth regarding diabetes – its control and even its cure!

That’s right: I said it ... “cure!” Is there a cure for diabetes? Yes!

And this should shock you even more: It seems that it’s against the law to say the word “cure” when describing anything that actually cures you.

Yet it’s very much okay to say that something “treats” or helps “offset” the symptoms of some health condition or disease. But if you say “cure” (and this even includes when you in fact have a real and bona fide cure for something and can even prove it!) you can get arrested.

Ever wonder why no one ever talks about “curing diabetes”? Everyone seems to be content with finding ways to “control diabetes” or “live with diabetes”. And for good reason.

No one’s out to “cure” anyone because there’s little money in doing so. Is there a cure for diabetes? Yes!

Instead, keeping you sick and marginally pain-free is all anyone’s really out to do for you these days – as doing so means you being “forced” to buy all the same drugs over and over again, and again, and ... (you get the point!)

Of course, if a cure came along it would mean you buy it one time, and then you’re cured – and that’s that (over and done!)

Listen, if somebody showed you how to cure diabetes… they wouldn’t make very much money off of you. Right? But if somebody invents a pill or a shot that helps you live with diabetes… they’ll get your money week-after-week, month-after-month, year-after-year until the day you die. Make sense?

In fact, there’s a saying in the drug industry: Cures Kill Profits!

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to have to depend on some big drug company to keep me alive and comfortable just so I can give them more of my hard-earned money every month. I’d much rather take control of my own health and find a way to banish diabetes.

Now a number of doctors, medical scientists and researchers armed with “real answers” and “real solutions” are stepping up and are NOT afraid of “Uncle Big-Bully Brother!”

One courageous fellow by the name of Matt Traverso is doing exactly this!

Not only that, but Matt Traverso has lectured and personally helped individuals beat the disease to the point that proven sufferers have actually gotten re-diagnoses as “no longer having the disease at all!” (Something that’s pretty much always been ruled out as a possibility altogether! – and now which may even be against the law!)

But why don’t we hear about this information from the American Diabetes Association? The truth is, the American Diabetes Association are benefiting hugely from the current trend in diabetes. They are funded by pharmaceutical companies who would lose out if people reversed there diabetic conditions.

The treatment of Diabetes brings in over $10 Million Dollars EVERY SINGLE HOUR of the day to Doctors, Pharmaceutical companies, and testing supply businesses. With that kind of money at stake Big Pharma is going to extreme lengths to silence information about natural cures and alternatives for treating diabetes.

Yes, there is a cure for diabetes!

Health is a Do-It-Yourself Program

Health is a Do-It-To-Yourself Program--Why not create and maintain the ultimate state of wellness you are capable of achieving! The principles behind Ageless Health are designed to provide a basic understanding of how the body functions in an optimal state of health. 

Clear overview of the Triad of Health: Structural,chemical and emotional... 
And how it is influenced by the 5 Factors:
  • Nervous System
  • Vascular System
  • Lymphatic System
  • Cerebral Spinal Fluid Pump 
  • Acupuncture System
This manual will guide you toward the recognition that you have total and absolute control over anything that happens to you regarding your health and wellness. A state of total wellness is a choice. It’s a do-it-to-yourself program. 

You have the capacity to change your health and your level of well-being – no matter what your age, status, or where you currently find yourself physically. 

This manual is a road map for you, your family, and your loved ones for achieving optimal levels of health, vitality, and wellness that are your birthright.

Purchase Health is a Do-It-To-Yourself Program

Open your eyes to health strategies which WORK!, 1/2/2011
By Amazingly, even my health was restored!

An engaging,exceptionally well-written book which informs you on the choices you have regarding your health. (There are more than you think!) 
By looking at the human body from various perspectives, Dr Tom Roselle challenges you to take action because "all is within your control". He empowers you to make improvements to your health (and your family's health!) by introducing advanced concepts in easy-to-understand language. The book is essentially jammed with information, but Dr Tom somehow retains an entertaining style. He gives

You'll walk away feeling well-informed on the basics of chiropractic care, applied kinesiology, traditional chinese medicine, an alkaline diet, and much more. You'll refer to this book again and again. A heartfelt thanks to Dr Roselle for giving us this information!

The Essentials Oils Book

The Essential Oils Book: Creating Personal Blends for Mind & Body

A rich resource on the applications of aromatherapy and its uses in everyday life, including aromas for the home, business environments, and essences for the elderly.

Fragrant essences lift the spirits, stimulate the senses, and enhance relaxation after a trying day. This practical guide shows how essential oils -- used in the home and on the go -- can greatly improve the quality of busy lives.

Comprehensive information on the essential oils extracted from herbs, flowers, roots, barks, and resins includes which ones to use regularly, which to use with caution, and which to avoid altogether.

  • Dozens of simple step-by-step recipes feature essential oils for:
  • Combatting stress, PMS, sunburn, and other conditions
  • Scenting homes, offices, and vehicles
  • Creating blends for safe, fragrant cleaning products
  • Making special mixtures for children and the elderly

 Good read, 8/ 8/10
By natbrat
This book was just what I was looking for. It is written in terms anyone can follow. When I finished the book I felt like....  Complete review here.

Essential reference, 4/21/00
By miss fortune (Seattle, WA)
I own many books on this subject, but I find myself pulling this one off the shelf time and again. It offers a lot of basic information in an easy to use format. There are more complete lists of oils and their properties out there, but I like this book because it.... Complete review here.

The Herbal Drugstore

Herbal Drugstore is one of the most comprehensive and well-written herbal guidebooks available. The opening pages are devoted to important discussions about herb usage, including safety tips (such as never giving herbs to children younger than 2 years old without your doctor's approval), dosage information, and how to make your own herbal remedies.

It has a quick-glance chart of familiar ailments, along with a listing of commonly used drugs and herbal alternatives. (For instance, according to the chart, bladder infections are routinely treated with antibiotics, but numerous herbal remedies exist, including bearberry, cranberry, goldenseal, goldenrod, and Oregon grape root.)

The meat of the book, however, is devoted to an alphabetized listing of ailments as well as extensive discussions of herbal remedies, dosages, and ongoing treatments. For example, under "sinus infection," readers will find a list of symptoms, a sympathetic write-up about the causes and different kinds of infections, and a list of numerous herbs and treatments, from echinacea to the Chinese herb astragalus.

Entries address minor ailments such as a hangover to serious diseases like diabetes and Parkinson's disease.

The book closes with a thorough index and a listing of manufacturers that sell herbs. Without a doubt, this is the book for treating common ailments with herbs. Anyone interested in exploring alternatives to prescription drugs will find safe and sound advice within these informative pages. --Gail Hudson --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Purchase the Herbal Drugstore

This is one of the best home herbal reference books!, 3/20/01
By Joanna D. (Middletown, DE USA)

The Herbal Drugstore: The Best Natural Alternatives to Over-the-Counter and Prescription Medicines! (Hardcover)
I really LOVE this book, and I have a lot of books on herbal medicine. What I like about the herbal drugstore is how it gives both the typical prescription drugs for common ailments, and the herbal alternatives. That alone sets this book apart from most other herbal references. This would be a terrific first book on the subject for anyone's home library and I think it adds a lot to my shelf on herbs.

There are good drawings of the herbs, sections on vitamins, exercises, nutrition, combining herbs with ... Complete review here.

 Great Comparative Reference by M.D., 1/ 4/01
By "neebanne" (Metairie, Louisiana USA)

The Herbal Drugstore: The Best Natural Alternatives to Over-the-Counter and Prescription Medicines! (Hardcover) This book finally discusses the use of herbs and roots from an authoritative point of view. It compares common herbs to prescription medications, with an analysis of the ailment and each type of remedy.

The authors and editorial staff have formal training from conventional medical schools and were able to do an actual comparative analysis... Complete Review Here

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tissue Salts As An Asthma Attack Remedy

What Are Tissue Salts and how can they be helpful as an asthma attack remedy?
There are twelve tissue salts in the human body which help to keep it in a natural healthy state, able to heal itself by correcting imbalances at the cell level. When theses salts are in the correct concentration we are healthy, but when an imbalance occurs normal cell function is disturbed and illness results.

Triple Complex BronchoSoothe consists of specially prepared doses of biochemic tissue salts which can provide a natural asthma attack remedy:
  • Kali phos (6X) is often called ‘nature’s pacifier’. It has a relaxing effect on the nerves and throughout the body and helps to support healthy breathing.
  • Mag phos (6X) has a variety of uses, amongst these is the ability to prevent spasms and tightness in the chest
  • Nat sulph (6X) is classically used as a natural bronchial tonic and helps to soothe the respiratory tract
This homeopathic formula of tissue salts may be taken internally at the first signs of wheezing, chest constriction, closed airways or abnormal breathing for effective help. It supports lung and bronchiole functioning, and maintain the respiratory tract and immune system health and doesn’t have the side effects of corticosteroids and bronchodilators. 

How has Triple Complex BronchoSoothe Asthma Attack Remedy helped others?

“My 4-year-old son started having wheezing and coughing after strenuous exercise in cooler weather last year. In an attempt to avoid prescribed [medicines], I ordered BronchoSoothe first as a trial. One or two doses always does the trick. As we head into the winter season again, I will monitor his use and I suspect I will probably be ordering the BioVent Drops for maintenance too. Since finding your website, I am noticing our medicine cabinet is now being replaced with Native Remedies! Love your products! Thanks!”--Tanya, AZ, USA

“Where do I begin about this awesome product of yours. My 4 year old daughter was getting [sick] and she coughed all night until I started giving her BronchoSoothe every 10 minutes. I'm telling you she didn't cough for the rest of the day or through out the night or the next day. She was her happy little self. Although I treated her with plenty of other natural remedies to help other affected areas, this product was strong enough to liven her with out the chest pain and irritated lungs. Thank you so much for this product Native Remedies, God bless you!”-- Shonell P., WI, USA

“I wanted to thank you so much for recommending the BronchoSoothe for my son of 5. We have been very impressed at the way it works so quickly. After the success of BronchoSoothe I have ordered your BioVent Drops to use on a daily basis. We are very hopeful that using these two products together will continue to help our son. Thanks for a really good product!”--Gillian B.

“Wow, the effectiveness of both of these products are indescribably incredible! I was very skeptical at first, but after reading the testimonials, I figured I had nothing to lose. So, I placed my order, and I can not explain how extremely grateful I am that I did! My wife has SEVERE… [breathing issues] and I'm either up with her all night, or in the hospital with her for two or three days at a time, frequently. 
Since I'm an advocate for homeopathic/holistic healing, I tried everything I knew to help her control her…episodes, but absolutely nothing worked. The day I researched the Internet and found this product, her night had been heart-wrenchingly difficult, and her morning increasingly worse. It got so bad that she ended up going to the hospital, and being admitted, but what was even more disturbing was she had to tell the doctors how to do their job. She was there for four hours, and still had not gotten any relief. 
Finally, she called the doctor into the room and told him that she usually receives..[various] treatments and so forth, and it wasn't until then that she got at least a little relief. I was so disturbed by this that I promised myself I would search relentlessly until I found an effective, quality, whole food product that would assure she would never have to experience such a horrific situation EVER again. It was then that I found BronchoSoothe, and the BioVent Drops. 
My wife has only been taking both for the past three days, and she's gotten more relief than she ever has…whatever so many doctors had prescribed her. I must say, "We both are indescribably amazed by how quickly these products worked, because from my experience, it usually takes several weeks for homeopathic remedies to take full effect, but that just wasn't true for these products. They both started working immediately, and my wife got relief about 30 seconds after taking them. 
The reason I even decided to get out of bed and write this testimonial tonight was because my wife came in the bedroom and gave me a giant kiss as she expressed, "Baby, I don't know where you found these products, but I do know with the relief I've gotten, you definitely had to have put a lot of love into searching for them. 
I feel better, now, than I've ever felt… “I love you, baby.” That was enough to make me get up and tell everyone who comes across this website, "Don't waste another moment to get the relief you undoubtly deserve and will receive from these two products. Not only are they safe, natural and effective, but they work almost immediately, unlike anything else on the market...and they TASTE great, too, like candy!" =)”--Universe K., NJ, USA

“Absolutely a life saver!  I just place two to four pills under my tongue then I lay back and relax… Excellent product!!! What are you waiting for, ORDER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”--Shannon, MI, USA

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Candida Infection Symptoms And How to Deal With Them

Candida / yeast is present as part of our normal intestinal microflora and are generally kept in check by beneficial bacteria. However, circumstances, such as taking oral antibiotics, can eliminate most of this beneficial bacteria causing a candida overgrowth that invades intestinal tissue. Candida infection symptoms then result.

These are the different Candida infection symptoms that can occur:
  • Candida is called thrush when it grows in the mouth. Young babies often suffer from thrush which appears as creamy-white or bluish-white patches on the tongue (which is also inflamed and can be very red) and on the lining of the mouth or in the throat.
  • Young infants can also suffer from a diaper rash caused by candida that is red, inflamed and sometimes scaly
  • An infection in the vagina known as vaginitis causes a white or yellow discharge, while inflammation of the walls of the vagina and the vulva causes burning and itching. Over a million women in the US develop vaginal yeast infections annually. This is an uncomfortable but not life-threatening condition. 
  • A yeast infection in the fingernails or toenails or next to the nails appears as a red, painful swelling around the nail. Sometimes pus appears.
  • Infection can appear in the skin folds of those who are overweight or obese.
  • They can also occur in the esophagus and the digestive tract.
  • A yeast infection of the penis is often caused by sexual intercourse with an infected partner. This condition is more common among uncircumcised men. Also men are known to be carriers of candida. An infection of the penis often results in balanitis which is the inflammation of the head of the penis.
  • A Candida yeast infection in the bloodstream can affect the kidneys, heart, lungs, eyes or other organs causing high fever, chills, anemia and sometimes a rash or shock.

VERY IMPORTANT: More on Candida Infection Symptoms

H-Candida™ is formulated specifically for Candida infection symptoms and will treat the condition naturally and gently. It is a natural treatment with important anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that work to clear any Candida or fungal conditions in various parts of the body including the genitalia and the skin folds. H-Candida™ works alongside some sensible diet changes including drinking plenty of water. 

When used as directed,H-Candida™ will clear mild to stubborn cases of fungal infections  safely and gently.  It will ensure you are fungal-free once more.

Purchase H-Candida Treatment TODAY!

Kay - Lubbock, TX --I tried H-Candida™ after suffering for 2 months with Thrush and 3 different antibiotics that only resulted in it coming back. I used it for 3 days about 3 1/2 weeks ago and it hasn't come back since. I have just ordered H-Acne™ and I can't wait to see how fast it works! I am so exited to find someone that has invented something that actually works for so little money! Good Job!!!          Kay - Lubbock, TX 
Deborah - Philadelphia, PA--Thank you soooo much for the oils. My doctor misdiagnoised me over a year ago and I had this yeast practically take over my body. Even to the aching bones and big boils all over. Since I have used your yeast infection treatment I saw improvement already. Being diabetic I will stay armed with this to continue to rid my body of this yeast and prevent it from coming back. I will truly be a faithful customer for this and other products you have. Thank you so much, I suffer no more!     Deborah - Philadelphia, PA  
Terry - Houston, TX --I was recently diagnosed with a yeast infection by my doctor. It was so embarassing and so very uncomfortable. I tried so many topical creams for yeast infections and spent hundreds of dollars to get rid of this problem, but nothing worked. I was so frustrated. While surfing for a cure on the net I found your candida treatment. I decided to try your product. I am elated to report that after only a few days of treatment my situation has made a 100% improvement! I am finally back to normal. I can't thank you people enough.          Terry - Houston, TX 
Helen - London, England --I am thrilled with the results of your product and I would be amiss if I did not write to thank you. For many years I have had recurring outbreaks of yeast infection. My first husband (I have been married twice) was never sympathetic to my plight and our marriage ended in divorce. Fortunately, my present husband loves me and has worked with me in conquering this problem. Your product has simply changed my life. After numerous ointments both over the counter and on prescription, I was sent to your site by a friend who recommended your products. I am so glad she did. Good luck and thank you for helping me and I am sure, many women in my situation.   Helen - London, England

Monday, February 21, 2011

Shrink Hemorroids Naturally

Natural essential oils can offer the solution to shrink hemorroids naturally.

H-Hemorroids is a natural treatment that works by significantly reducing the swelling of hemorrhoids with its vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory properties. They will gradually shrink, while at the same time the analgesic constituents will help to dissipate any pain or discomfort.

There are many drugstore and alternative internet products for treating hemorrhoids. Most of the products are not made to cure or eliminate hemorrhoids but to give you temporary relief of itching, pain, swelling or bleeding. Many of the drugstore medications have anesthetics. They can aggravate and irritate the hemorrhoids you’re trying to eliminate. If you are using one of these drugstore medications, consider using a more natural remedy.

H-Hemorrhoids Treatment P contains the following natural, pure essential oils: MQV (Melaleuca quinquenervia viridiflora), Cypress, Linalol, Mentha piperit and Hazelnut.

H-Hemorrhoids P is easy to use. Apply 2 drops 3 times per day to the condition using your finger or a Q-tip (or in the case of an internal hemorrhoid you can use a dropper). In addition, massage one drop under each foot 3 times per day to allow the formula to be absorbed directly into the immune system.

The 11ml size bottle is sufficient to treat several hemorrhoids from start to finish. When you treat your hemorrhoids the safe and natural way there is a guarantee that H-Hemorrhoids Treatment is 100% guaranteed to work.

There is a full money back 60 day promise, plus discreet and speedy shipping of your product, so you can treat your hemorrhoids in the privacy of your own home. For a pregnant or nursing mother, H-Hemorrhoids P is the safe and successful option.

Here are two of the numerous rave reviews of H-Hemorroid  P:
I had surgery just over a year back and I have to tell you, this was the most painful experience I have ever had. I was shocked when the hemorrhoids came back 4 months after the surgery. Not only did they come back, I also had bad bleeding, something I never had before the surgery.

I'm not someone who orders on the internet but after reading the testimonials and noticing that you also had a money guarantee, I decided to give your products a test.

and then I started using the other oil. At first I was very disappointed, nothing happened. I called your office and spoke to Allan. I asked him why your product was taking this long to work. Allan was very helpful and told me to be patient. He said that every person is different and the time period depends on the person's immune system. He also asked me if I was following the instructions and to be honest, I was skipping a few things.

Exactly what Allan told me happened and I have to tell you guys how happy I am. The hemorrhoids starting shrinking especially in the morning and then suddenly, they disappeared.

Your customer service is excellent and your products even better. If anyone is reading this thinking about surgery, don't do it! Get healing oils and be patient, you will be happy you did.

Thanks guys, I'm a grateful and happy customer

Mark. - Nashville, TN
All I have to say is Thank you so Much!!

I am only 20 years old, I have no kids and I WAS suffering from bleeding hemorrhoids. I used your product H-Bleeding Hemorrhoids™, and I am a new person.

I came across your website and ordered your product cause I was in intense pain and hurting so bad. I didn't want to go to the bathroom at all cause it was a pain I can't describe. I couldn't even walk without thinking about them.

The day I received your product, that morning I used the bathroom and when I was through I was on the floor crying hoping and praying for this product to arrive and wondering what I was going to do if it doesn't work. I left work early that day because I couldn't handle sitting anymore. I got home to find the package. I ripped into the package and applied the drop and the drops in the soles of my feet. I'm not kidding within 30 minutes I could stand up and walk around no problems at all.

I couldn't believe this, I seriously want to let everyone know how wonderful this product is and how it helps. If you are at your wits in, try this product before thinking about surgrey or spending hundred on Preperation-H or other products.

Once again thank you so much for your Natural Hemorrhoids Products, I don't know what I would have done without them. Thanks again. If anyone would like to email me and ask me question I gladly will.

Misti - OH


Q.  You have two products, I am not sure which one to use?
A. Heal Bleeding Hemorrhoids is formulated specifically for bleeding caused by a hemorrhoid. If you have hemorrhoids as well as bleeding, you will need both our Heal Hemorrhoids and Heal Bleeding Hemorrhoids formulas. If you do not have any bleeding, you will only need the Heal Hemorrhoids formula.

Q.  I have both conditions, which product should I use first?
A. Bleeding is a secondary condition usually caused from the hemorrhoids rupturing. This condition must be healed first. Apply Heal Bleeding Hemorrhoids to eliminate the bleeding. When the bleeding has stopped, continue with the formula for one or two days and then switch to the Heal Hemorrhoids product to eliminate the actual hemorrhoids.

Q.  How soon will I see results?
A. The healing process varies from person to person. The majority who use our products experience immediate relief. Eliminating hemorrhoids can take as little as 2 weeks to 6 weeks. At first you may not notice any change in the condition but, be patient! Usually the first signs of healing will be when the hemorrhoids shrink in size in the early morning and come up again later in the day. This is an advanced stage in the healing process. The condition WILL be eliminated with a little patience and regular applications.

It is important to apply three times a day without missing applications. If you miss one day, the healing process will be pushed back by 2 to 4 days.

Q. How do I apply the product?
A. Place a few drops on a Q-Tip or use your fingers to apply topically.

The easiest way to apply would be as follows: allow one drop to fall onto your finger, gently apply and repeat with another drop. Apply one drop under each foot and massage for 30 seconds. Repeat this process three times a day.

Q.  You state that this is a topical application but I have internal hemorrhoids!
A. This is still a topical application. Place a few drops on a Q-Tip or use your finger to insert. If the hemorrhoids are too far internally to reach, we suggest using a dropper.

Q. Is it necessary to massage a few drops of formula into my feet?
A. Your hemorrhoids are not simply an external condition. By massaging a few drops of formula into the soles of your feet (arch), the formula will penetrate into the cell membranes. Essential oils are fat soluble which means that the body absorbs trace elements of the formulas directly into the blood stream and immune system bypassing the kidneys and digestive system. This is part of the healing process.

Q. How many bottles of formula will I need?
A. The bleeding from hemorrhoids usually heals within two weeks, one bottle of Heal Bleeding Hemorrhoids is normally sufficient. If you are treating a fissure, the healing may take longer and require more than one bottle, or you can save 10% with our large 33 ml bottle.

To eliminate the actual hemorrhoids may take up to 6 weeks (the longest time frame), depending on your immune system. One bottle of 11 ml Heal Hemorrhoids will last +- 3 to 4 weeks. If shrinkage does not occur after 3 weeks, you will require a second bottle, or save 10% with our large 33 ml bottle.

Hemorrhoids may recur, many of our customers keep a bottle handy because the second time you have to treat the condition, the hemorrhoids usually disappear within 10 days.

Q. Do I need to change my diet?
A. Increase your raw fruit and vegetables intake during the program. It is also advisable to eliminate dairy, wheat and sugar, this will aid your body in healing the condition. Drink lots of water and consume natural yogurt.  (yogurt is not classified as dairy, the molecular structure has changed)

Q. What about anal fissures?
A. We have a specially formulated product for anal fissures called Heal Fissures. If you have hemorrhoids as well as fissures, use Heal Fissures first, followed by Heal Hemorrhoids once the fissures have cleared.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Importance of Clean Water: Buy Water Purifier for Best Health

The importance of clean water for consumption cannot be stressed too much. Water accounts for 60-65% of the human body weight. Survival without food can go on for weeks, but water consumption is unforgiving. It only takes a couple of days without water before death results.

Water transports nutrients, oxygen, metabolic waste, and regulation of body temperature and serves as the medium for body chemical reactions to take place.

Most people do not drink nearly enough pure clean water. It is one of the overlooked, simplest ways of keeping your body healthy. Even though water has become more popular to drink, many people especially the elderly do not consume enough. Substitutions are made in the form of coffee, tea, juices and soda.

An easy way to keep track of your water consumption is to load up a 1.5 liter bottle and drink that every day. If you exercise heavily then this amount will need to be doubled.

The most economical health insurance you can buy is to drink enough water to keep your body healthy and in tip-top shape.

Along with the importance of clean water is the neeed for it to have the following qualities. Buy water purifier to accomplish this:
  • No pathogenic bacteria, cysts and parasites
  • No chemicals including herbicides, pesticides, organic solvents, VOCs, detergents, cloudiness, silt, sediment, foul tastes and odors
  • Reduced heavy metals such as cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, aluminum and other dangerous heavy metals
  • Food coloring removed
  • No nitrates and nitrites and...
  • Maintains the healthful and beneficial minerals that your body needs.
Buy Water Purifier Berkey Water Purification - clean water for pennies a day

Berkey Water Purification 
clean water for pennies a day